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The laws of the Asian countries seem to be odd only at first sight so to speak. As a matter of fact they have a deep sense. For example the law in Mongolia obliges women to go topless. This law was good in the Middle Ages: that was the way the Mongolian nomads protected themselves from hostile warriors dressed like women.
In the Indian state Rajastan women are obliged to eat carrot seeds. It is believed the carrot seeds have contraceptive qualities. The western newspapers also mentioned an ancient Irani law which banned sexual intercourse with wild animals, especially with lionesses but it was permitted to have close relationships with some domestic animals.
The legislators in Singapore prohibited chewing gum in the underground, going naked at home, not flushing at the toilet. In South Korea the road police must inform their chiefs about the bribes they received during the day, the people in Thailand are not allowed to leave their homes with no underwear on. Besides it is not allowed in Thailand to step on the local money – both notes and coins since they have the image of their King on them.
There are tough laws in Israel. In addition to all it is not allowed to blow your nose on Saturdays, you are also supposed to have driver’s licence to ride your bicycle. It is banned to feed animals in public places in the city of Arad, in Ramat-Gasharon you can not have a rottweiler at home. It is forbidden to bring bears to the city beaches in Heifa.
The African laws are also serious. Only those men who have not less than $50, a sheep and 3 bottles of gin can have sexual relations with girls under 18 years old in the city of Gana. This is exactly the fine to be paid in case if a girl becomes pregnant. Those couples who wish to make underwater love risk to spend up to 1 year in jail in Svaziland. This law was put into effect in 1985 when it turned out that the national place of interest – the hot spring Kadl-Padl was rather popular among lovers in this respect.

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