Ja midagi huvitavat veelgi - Robbie Williams teatas prantslastest fännide ees (muuseas, uue plaadiga "Escapology" on ta prantslaste juures saavutanud tohutu menu. Endalegi üllatuseks), et muusikapiraatlus ongi lahe. Järgneb Robbie pikk monoloog, mida pole mõtet tõlkida, üsna arusaadav ju:
"Oh downloading stuff, I think it's great. I really do. There's nothing anybody can do about it really. I actually signed a deal last year, I don't know if you read. I went and saw all the heads of the record companies and each one in turn brought up the thing about piracy and downloads and all that business. And just out of interest I said what are you going to do about it. And there was a lot of hot air blown. 'We're going to sit down and there's going to be this referendum and everybody's going to get in this room and figure out what we're going to do about this thing. And then we're going to have meetings and ?' I was going, 'You don't really know do you?' The heads of the record companies don't know what to do about it. And I'm cool man. If you want my music download it, you know."
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