
Appi, kas te ikka mäletate? Erinevad infomaterjalid ja andmebaasid liigitavad selle Oskarshamnist pärit kristliku bändikese kunagise mesiloo kristliku popi (gospeli, ühesõnaga) alla :)

"Estonia, you were so far away
Now you can feel that you are close to us
Sweden, we where so far away
Now we can feel that we are close to you
Now is the time, the time has come
to build a bridge of friendship
Estonia and Sweden,
Join hands, join hands together
We're friends forever
Estonia, that we see in the east
You have the sea,
the same sea we have Sweden,
that you see in the west
We breathe the air,
the same air you breathe
Now is the time, the time has come
to build a bridge of friendship
Estonia and Sweden,
Join hands, join hands together
We're friends forever"

Mida põnevat küll tänane päev tuua võib... :) [Update 03.02.04 Siiras soovitus, õnn ja rõõm - Skriimsilm teab, kuidas asjad tegelikult käivad! Nüüd ma usun, et ansambli noorlokid on jätkuvalt elus ja meie kõigi hinges...]